Publications liées à ces projets
- Ghourabi M., CHKEIR A. et al. Eye Recognition by YOLO for Inner Canthus Temperature Detection in the Elderly Using a Transfer Learning Approach. Sensors 2023, 23, 1851.
- Noamani S., CHKEIR A. et al. Popliteal height estimation in French elderly people for an ergonomic seat height design. Conference: 2022 25th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC),308-311.10.1109/WPMC55625.2022.10014926.
- D.E. Bou Zeidan CHKEIR A. et al. “Speech Recognition for Functional Decline assessment in older adults". Article submitted and accepted at the 6th international Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics ICBEB 2022, September 18-20, 2022 in Berlin, Germany
- Y. A. Adla, CHKEIR A. et al“ Automatic Classification of the Stand-to-Sit Phase in the TUG Test using Machine Learning “ICDLML 2021: 15. International Conference on Deep Learning and Machine Learning November 08-09, 2021 in Istanbul, Turkey
- Alshamaa D., CHKEIR A. et al. An Evidential Framework for Localization of Sensors in Indoor Environments. Sensors. 2020; 20(1):318.
- CHKEIR A., J.-L. Novella, et al. "In-home physical frailty monitoring: relevance with respect to clinical tests." BMC Geriatrics 2019. 19 pages. 25-34.
- Soubra R., CHKEIR A., et al. A Systematic Review of Thirty-One Assessment Tests to Evaluate Mobility in Older Adults. BioMed Research International2019. 17 pages.
- Alshamaa D., CHKEIR A., et al. Measurement of Gait Speed using a Doppler Radar: Influence of Acceleration and Deceleration Zones. IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS). IEEE, 2019.
- Soubra, R., CHKEIR A., et al. Doppler Radar System for In-Home Gait Characterization using Wavelet Transform Analysis. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC). IEEE, 2019.
- CHKEIR A., Abdallah, M., et al. A Mathematical Approach Using a Thoracic Temperature Sensor for Detecting Human Circadian Rhythms. IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT) 2019
- Alshamaa D., CHKEIR A., et al. Target Localization using Machine Learning and Belief Functions: Application for Elderly People in Indoor Environments. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). IEEE, 2019.
- Soubra, R., CHKEIR A., et al. Doppler Radar System for an Automatic Turn Phase Detection Using Wavelet Transform Analysis. IEEE International Conference on Bio-Engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART). IEEE, 2019.
- Alshamaa D., CHKEIR A., et al. Localization of Elderly People using WiFi: A Comparative Study on Parametric versus Kernel-based Approaches. IEEE International Conference on Bio-Engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART). IEEE, 2019.
- Alshamaa D., CHKEIR A., et al. Gait Speed Measurement using a Doppler Radar Sensor for In-Home Functional Capacity Tests. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC). IEEE, 2019.
- Reda, M., CHKEIR A., et al. Quantitative Gait Measurement with Wave Doppler-radar for Elderly Walking Speed Recognition. In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019) - V5 pages 410-414
- Soubra, R., CHKEIR A., et al. A Graphical User Interface for an Automatic Rest-activity Cycle Detection and Dichotomy Index Computation. 12th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF). 2019.
- Soubra, R., CHKEIR A., et al. Détection de la vitesse de marche à travers d’un radar Doppler : Analyse par ondelettes. Journées d'Etude sur la TéléSanté (Jetsan). 2019.
- Soubra, R., CHKEIR A., et al. Modélisation de test d’évaluation gériatrique standardisée à partir d’un radar Doppler : Application de la transformée en ondelettes (GRETSI) 2019 XXVIIème (Lille, 26-29 Aout 2019).
- Alshamaa D., CHKEIR A., et al. A Smart Radar System for Automatic Functional Capacity Tests. IEEE International Conference on Bio-Engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART). IEEE, 2019.
- Alshamaa D., CHKEIR A., et al. A Hidden Markov Model for Indoor Trajectory Tracking of Elderly People. IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS). IEEE, 2019.
- CHKEIR A., Voilmy, D et al. Does the Use of a Serious Game and the Grip-Ball Decrease Discomfort in Older People When Assessing Maximal Grip-Strength?, (MEDICON) 2016, March 31st–April 2nd 2016, Editors. 2016, Springer International Publishing: Cham. p. 903-906.
- CHKEIR A., Safieddine D. et al. “Balance quality assessment as an early indicator of physical frailty in older people” 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE (EMBS) Orlando, Florida USA, August 2016 pp. 5368-5371.
- CHKEIR A., Chehade F., et al. Is there a relationship between frailty indices and balance assessment in older people? Healthcom 14th-17th september 2016 pp. 522-525.